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These terms of service for the web page accessible via the URL (*, mobile sites, or mobile application ("Website") are between FuzionMatrix LLP ("FuzionHR" or "We" or "Us" or "Our") and the guest users or registered users of the website ("You" or "Your" or "Yourself" or "Customer") and describe the terms on which FuzionHR provides. You have access to the Website as well as any incidental or supplementary services provided by it.

These terms of service constitute a contract among you and FuzionHR. These terms of service, in addition to the privacy policy or other terms and conditions, as well as any other notices, disclaimers, or guidelines that appear on the Website from time to time (all of which are referred to as "Agreement(s)"), constitute the entire agreement under which You are allowed to access and use the website and avail of the services.

Parts of This Agreement
This agreement contains the conditions that follow (hereinafter referred to as the "General Terms") in addition to any terms and conditions related to the usage of individual services (hereinafter referred to as the "Service Specific Terms"). The "Terms" include both the overall terms and the service-specific terms. In the event of a discrepancy between the general conditions and the service-specific terms, the latter shall prevail.
Singular refers to plural, and masculine refers to feminine, unless explicitly stated otherwise.
Headings and captions are for convenience and do not affect the interpretation of these terms of service.
References to natural persons include their heirs, executors, and approved assignees, unless otherwise stated. In a similar way any reference to a juristic person, such as FuzionHR, will include its affiliates, successors, and permissible assignees, unless the context requires otherwise.
Acceptance of the Terms
You must be at least of legal age to enter into a legally binding contract and accept the terms. If you do not agree with the general terms, please refrain from using any of our services. If you accept to the general terms but not the service-specific terms, avoid using the service. You can agree with the conditions by checking a checkbox, clicking on a button, or actually.
Use of the Application
When using a website, you agree not to:
Discredit, abuse, harass, the stalk, threaten, or violate the legal rights of others.
Publish, post, upload, distribute, or disseminate any inappropriate, profane, insulting, infringing, obscene, inappropriate, or unlawful topic, name, material, or information.
Conduct or forward surveys, contests, pyramid schemes, or chain letters.
Distort or delete any author attributions, legal or other proper notices.
Any information given by you on this site must not be deceptive in any way.
Use any automatic device, program, algorithm, or manual process to access, copy, or monitor any portion of the website or content, or to reproduce or circumvent the website's navigational structure or presentation, in order to obtain materials, documents, or information not specifically made available.
Reverse engineer, modify, copy, distribute, transmit, display, perform, reproduce, publish, license, create derivative works from, transfer, or sell any information or software obtained from the website.
Transfer or make available the services to any third party.
Provide any service based on the services without prior written permission.
Use third-party links without agreeing to their terms and conditions.
Post links to third-party sites or use their logo, company name, etc. without prior written permission.
Publish personal or confidential information without consent.
Use the services in any manner that could damage, disable, overburden, impair, or harm any server, network, computer system, or resource.
Use a fictitious identity to deceive others about the origin of a communication.
Spamming and Illegal Activity
You acknowledge that you are solely liable for the content of your communications through the services. You agree not to use the services for illegal purposes, or to transmit material that is unlawful, defamatory, assaulting, invasive of another's privacy, abusive, threatening, harmful, vulgar, pornographic, obscene, or unacceptable, hurts religious sentiments, encourages racism, contains viruses or malicious code, or infringes or may infringe another's intellectual property or other rights.
You undertake never use the services to send "junk mail", "spam", "chain letters", "phishing" or unsolicited bulk email distribution. We retain the authority to suspend the access you have to the services if we have reasonable grounds to think that you have used them for illegal or unauthorized purposes.
Definition of Service
We offer a variety of online collaboration and management services, including spreadsheets, layout, database app creator, email client, chat client, organizer, CRM application, and others application ("Service" or "Services"). You may use the services for personal and professional purposes, as well as for internal business purposes inside the organization you work for or represent. You can connect to the services using any web browser that they support. You are liable for getting Internet access and the equipment required to utilize the services. Your user account allows you to create and edit content, as well as publish and distribute it if you so desire.
Subscribe to Beta Service
We may provide various Solutions as open or closed beta services ("Beta Service" or "Beta Services") for testing and evaluation. You accept that we have sole power and discretion in determining the time period for the evaluation and testing of Beta Services. We shall be the sole arbiters of the efficacy of such testing and, if necessary, the choice to provide the beta products as a business offering. You will not be obligated to purchase a subscription to any paid services as an outcome of your beta service membership. We reserve the right to completely or partially stop any beta services at any time and from any time, either temporarily or permanently, with or without prior notice to you. You acknowledge that FuzionHR will not be liable to you or any other person for any harm resulting from the modification, suspension, or discontinuation of any of the beta services for any reason.
Modification of the Terms of Service
We may alter the Terms at any time by sending you a service announcement or an email to your primary email address.
User Sign-up Obligations
To access or utilize the services, you must first create a user account and provide all of the essential information. If you represent an organization and want to use the offerings for business internal purposes, we recommend that you and all the others from your organization create user accounts by entering your business contact information. We particularly suggest that you use your business email address. You promise to: a) give true, accurate, current, and complete information about yourself as requested by the sign-up procedure; and b) preserve and promptly modify the information supplied at sign-up to ensure that it remains true, accurate, current, and complete. FuzionHR may terminate your user account and refuse you access to any or all of the services in the future if you provide any information that is false, inaccurate, outdated, or incomplete, or if FuzionHR has reasonable grounds to suspect that such information is false, inaccurate, outdated, or incomplete.
Administrators and Accounts for Organizations
You can designate a number of administrators when you create an account for your company. The administrators will be able to handle the end users within your organization account and set the services according to their needs. It is probable that a third party that created and configured your organization's account on your behalf also took on the administrator position for your organization. Make sure you and the third party sign a proper agreement outlining the parties' responsibilities and limitations when it comes to managing your organization's account.
It is your responsibility to:
1 Keep your company's account password private;
2 Designate capable individuals as administrators to oversee your organization account; and
3 Make sure that any activity related to your organization account complies with this agreement. You are aware that internal service management and account administration are not FuzionHR's responsibilities.

It is your duty to take the appropriate action to prevent your company from losing access of the admin accounts. If you submit an email to, you can describe the procedure to be followed in the event that access of the admin accounts is lost; however, the procedure must be approved by FuzionHR. If there isn't a defined procedure for recovering an administrator account, FuzionHR may grant access to an admin account to a person who can present evidence that satisfies FuzionHR that the person has the authority to act on behalf of the company. You consent to release FuzionHR from liability for the results of any action it takes in the best interests in this regard.
Private Data and Individuals
The FuzionHR privacy policy applies to any personal information that you submit to FuzionHR via the service. You agree to the terms of the FuzionHR privacy policy when you choose to use the service. It is your responsibility to keep your password, username, and other private information private. You undertake to notify us right away of any illegal use of your user account by emailing or by calling any of the numbers provided on You are accountable for any activities that take place in your user account. If someone else gains unauthorized access to or uses your user account without authorization, we won't be held liable for any losses or damages you or any third party suffer.
FuzionHR's Communications
Certain communications from FuzionHR, such as newsletters, administrative messages, and service notices, might be included in the service. You are aware that using the Services will be deemed to have included these communications. We also provide you the choice to stop receiving our mailings as part of our commitment to your complete privacy. You won't be able to choose not to receive administrative and service announcement messages, though.
The primary email address associated with your user account will be the recipient of any complaint that we receive from anybody over your behaviour while using the services. Within 10 days of receiving the complaint that we transmitted to you, you must directly reply to the complainant, copying FuzionHR in the correspondence. We may provide the complainant with your name and contact information so they can pursue legal action against you if you do not reply to them within 10 days of the date of our communication to you. You recognize that failing to reply to the forwarded complaint within the allotted 10 days will be interpreted as your approval for FuzionHR to give the complainant access to your name and contact details.
Charges and Disbursements
We have the right to modify any service's price at any moment or to impose fees for using any presently free services. Charge increases won't take effect until the end of the billing period you are currently in. Unless you have chosen a paid subscription plan, you won't be charged for using any services.
Policy for Dormant User Accounts
If an unpaid user account is inactive for a continuous period of 120 days, we reserve the right to terminate it. Should this termination occur, all data related to that user account will be erased. We'll give you advance notification of this termination and the chance to create a data backup. Any or all of the services may be subject to the data deletion policy. For the purpose of determining the duration of inactivity, every service will be regarded as a distinct and independent service. Stated differently, participation in one service is insufficient to maintain the activity of your user account in another service. When an account has many users, it won't be deemed inactive as long as at least one of the users is active.
Ownership of Data
We honour your right to be the proprietor of any material you produce or save. Content that you have produced or saved belongs to you. Your use of the services does not give FuzionHR permission to use, copy, alter, adapt, publish, or distribute any content you generate or store in your user account for FuzionHR's marketing, commercial, or any other purpose without your express permission. However, in order for FuzionHR to deliver the Services to you, you give them authorization to access, copy, distribute, store, transmit, modify, openly display, and publicly perform the content of your user account.
Content Created by Users
Using any of the services or in another way, you are free to send or publish content that you have developed. That being said, you will bear full responsibility for such content and all repercussions that may arise from its transmission or publishing. Any content that is made available to the public will be available online and subject to search engine crawling and indexing. It is your responsibility to make sure that no inadvertent public release of private content occurs.

You understand that any content you may receive from other service users is given to you AS IS for your personal use only and for informational purposes. You further agree not to use, copy, reproduce, distribute, transmit, broadcast, display, sell, license, or in any other way exploit such content for any purpose without the owner's express written consent. If you come across any content while using any of the services that has a copyright notice on it or a copy protection feature on it, you agree not to remove such notices or disable such features, as applicable.

By making any copyrighted or protected by copyright material accessible via any of the Services, you represent and warrant that you have the permission—legal or otherwise—to do so from any parties who may be entitled to claim intellectual property rights in such content. Furthermore, you explicitly agree that FuzionHR has the right to block access to or remove any content you make available in the manner described above in the event that FuzionHR receives complaints about any unlawful conduct or infringement of third-party rights in such content. By utilizing any of the services and sending or publishing any material through them, you specifically agree to FuzionHR's agent assigned to handle this task determining whether or not such content violates the law or violates the rights of third parties.
Examples of Applications and Files
Sample files and applications may be made available by FuzionHR in order to show how the Services may be used successfully for particular goals. Any such sample files and apps have random data as their content. Regarding the information or the sample files and applications, FuzionHR makes no representations or warranties, either expressed or implied, as to their accuracy, usefulness, completeness, or reliability.

The FuzionMatrix LLP is the trademark holder of the FuzionHR trademark, FuzionHR logo, and the names of its individual services and their logos. You consent to not using or displaying the FuzionHR trademarks in any way without first obtaining consent from FuzionHR.

In order to identify themselves as a FuzionHR customer, the customer grants FuzionHR permission to use their trading name and/or logo in external communications and promotional or marketing materials, such as case studies and press references. The customer also grants FuzionHR all necessary rights and licenses to do so. The customer understands and agrees that, in accordance with existing legislation, such restricted use of the customer's intellectual property rights would not be considered an infringement.
Exclusion of Warranties
You specifically acknowledge and accept that there is no danger to you in using the services. The services are offered "as is" and "as available." All guarantees, express or implicit, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability and suitability for a particular purpose, are thus expressly disclaimed by FuzionHR. FuzionHR disclaims all liability for the timely, secure, error-free, and uninterrupted operation of the services. You agree to use anything you have downloaded or obtained through the services at your own risk and discretion. You will also be fully responsible for any damage caused by using the services or downloading any such material to your computer system, mobile phone, wireless device, or data.

No written or verbal advice or information that you receive from FuzionHR, its workers, or representatives will generate any warranty that isn't specifically mentioned in the terms.
Restrictions on Liability
You accept that FuzionHR will never be responsible for any indirect, special, punitive, consequential, incidental, or other loss or damage, including but not limited to loss of business profits, business interruption, computer failure, loss of business information, or other losses resulting from your use of or inability to use the service, even if FuzionHR has been informed that such damages may occur. The total amount of FuzionHR's obligation to you for any service—direct or indirect—will not be greater than the amount you paid for that service in one month.
Refund Guidelines
Since we are paying our cloud server service provider for 24 months in advance, we do not have a refund policy.
You undertake to defend and hold harmless FuzionHR, its officers, directors, employees, suppliers, and affiliates against any claims, losses, damages, fines, and expenses (including legal fees and costs) resulting from or connected to any allegation that you used the services in a way that violated the rights of another person, the law, the terms of the agreement, or any other claim pertaining to your use of the services, unless FuzionHR has authorized such use.
Binding arbitration under the commercial arbitration rules shall be used to resolve any dispute or claim arising out of or pertaining to the Terms. Such a dispute or claim will be arbitrated individually; it will not be combined in any arbitration with any other party's claim or disagreement. The arbitrator's ruling is final and cannot be challenged. The arbitration will take place in Vadodara only, and any court with jurisdiction over that area may enter a decision based on the arbitration verdict. FuzionHR may, notwithstanding anything to the contrary, at any time ask any court with appropriate authority for injunctions or other equitable relief.
Ability to Sever
The remaining Terms of Use shall survive, remain in full force and effect, and continue to be binding and enforceable if any of these terms are found to be illegal, invalid, or otherwise unenforceable by reason of the laws of any state in which these terms are intended to be effective. In such case, the relevant term shall be severed and deleted to the extent and within the relevant jurisdiction.
Absence of assignment
The agreement between You and Us may not be assigned, transferred, or purportedly transferred to any other party.
Termination and Suspension
If we detect any suspected criminal behaviour, prolonged periods of inactivity, or demands from the law enforcement or other governmental organizations, we reserve the right to terminate your user account or temporarily block access to all or part of any service. User account suspension or deactivation objections should be sent to within thirty days of the suspension being announced. A suspended or disabled user account may be closed by us after thirty days. In response to your request, we will also close your user account.

Furthermore, in the event that we reasonably believe you have broken the Terms, we have the right to cancel your user account, refuse you access to the services, and end your usage of any beta programs in the event of unforeseen technical difficulties or beta program discontinuance.

Note:, The information technology act of 2000, its rules, and the amended provisions pertaining to electronic documents and records in various statutes as amended by the information technology act of 2000 form the basis of these terms of service, which are an electronic contract. There is no digital, electrical, or physical signature required by these conditions of use.

This document is released and will be interpreted in compliance with the terms of Rule 3 (1) of the Information Technology (Intermediaries Guidelines) Rules, 2011, which were established under the Information Technology Act of 2000 and mandate the publication of the user agreement, privacy policy, and rules and regulations before any website access or use. This agreement is a binding contract between FuzionHR and the user (both words are defined below). These terms of use, which regulate the relationship between FuzionHR and user for the use of the website (described above), will come into effect upon your acceptance of them (directly or indirectly through an electronic record or form).

Kindly carefully read these conditions of usage. You acknowledge that you have read, agreed to, and consented to these terms of service by using this website. Please do not use this website if you do not agree to the terms of service. In accordance with section 43a and section 72a of the Information Technology Act of 2000 and the Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines) Rules of 2011, you hereby grant FuzionHR your unqualified assent or agreement.
End of the Service Agreement
For any queries or worries about this Agreement, send us an email at